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Words are fascinating ... Put them together in the right way, and we can communicate with people in other places and other times. Make a mess of it and ...

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Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Social Etiquette ...

All of us need an appreciation of etiquette ... not the sort of etiquette that demands you know which of 53 pieces of cutlery to use, but the etiquette that governs and guides the way we all get along in our everyday activities.

Alas and alack, there seems to be a significant lack of skills in this area today.

Here are a couple of my personal peeves with my fellows ... I'm sure you have many you can add. Feel free to click the Comments button and vent your spleen about the poor manners we all encounter every day!

What gets up my nose ...

1. People who come to a dead stop in the middle of busy walkways while they search in their pockets for money, keys, whatever ...

2. People who stand two abreast on escalators when there are busy people who want to walk up and get where they need to be instead of regarding it as an amusement ride ...

3. People who get their meals at a table when dining with a group and then start to eat instead of waiting till everyone has a meal ...

OK ... your turn!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my pet peeve: people who are in a busy airport, who cannot seem to see or read signs, but instead must ask people who work there where to find ...? Of course, the fact that the worker in question happens to be on break (sitting at a table, eating their lunch even!) makes no difference to the questioner who obviously has no brains.

Fri Nov 28, 12:19:00 pm AEST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who take up two seats on a full bus!

And people who don't know where their seat ends, when you do sit next to them - mostly men, with an invisible brief case between their legs so they can't move their knees any closer together

Fri Nov 28, 02:35:00 pm AEST  
Blogger Rødli said...

people,mostly men, who must eat with their baseball caps on. my mother would be really annoyed with these people. we never wore headgear at her table.

Mon Jan 05, 09:54:00 am AEST  
Anonymous Eyeshadow Colour said...

people who drive up my tail when I am going the speed limit.

Mon June 28, 05:37:00 pm AEST  

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